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World Junior Combined Groups Championship • Pigesamling i Vindinge IF • De mindste – BadmintonBladet



BWF World Junior Combined Groups Championships 2024 • Nu er de 4 pligtsejre overstået • ……alvoren begynder!

Nye scoreregler fra BWF ved UVM for Combined Groups

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“Whereas the draw on the World Junior Combined Crew Championships 2024 consists of a gaggle stage adopted by a last stage that can decide general rating of groups, every tie consists of 10 matches (two matches every of males’s singles, ladies’s singles, males’s doubles, ladies’s doubles and blended doubles) performed for 110 factors.

Listed here are the principle options of the relay scoring system:

The primary match can be performed to 11 factors (change of ends at 6 factors).

The second match will begin on the rating of the primary match and proceed from that rating, nevertheless with the dropping participant/pair of the primary match having a minimal of 5 factors or the precise variety of factors scored, whichever is larger.

Each subsequent match can be performed for the following 11 factors from the rating of the earlier match. The trailing participant/pair will begin with their precise variety of factors, or a minimal of a a number of of 5 (5 for the primary match, 10 for the second match, 15 for the third match and so forth), whichever is larger.

Thus, the second match will play till one of many gamers/pairs attain 22 factors (change of ends at 17). The third match will begin on the rating of the second match and proceed from that rating; nevertheless, with the trailing participant/pair having a minimal of 10 factors or the precise variety of factors, whichever is larger.

The ninth match will play till one of many gamers/pairs attain 99 factors (change of ends at 94).

The tenth and last match will begin on the rating of the ninth match and proceed from that rating, with the trailing participant/pair of the ninth having a minimal of 45 factors or the precise variety of factors, whichever is larger.

The tenth match will play till one of many gamers/pairs reaches 110 factors and thereby wins the tie (change of ends at 105).

No participant shall play in additional than 4 matches.

In case the identical participant is taking part in two consecutive matches, they shall not be allowed any extra relaxation.

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Earlier than the crew tie begins, a draw can be made between the crew managers who will select the primary match to be performed.

The primary 5 matches of the tie should contest one among every of the disciplines (i.e. MS, WS, MD, WD, and XD).

The winner of the draw will select the primary and third matches.

The opposing crew will select the second and fourth matches.

The match not having been chosen can be performed fifth.

The final 5 matches (matches six to 10) comply with the identical order as the primary 5 matches already decided.

Steen Schleicher Pedersen skriver denne kommentar til min deling af ovennævnte opslag fra Vindinge IF:

“Det ser ud til at være et rigtig godt initiativ af Vindinge IF/ Schenna. 👍

Jeg tror canine ikke at det omtalte seminar i Badminton Danmark regi ville opleves som related i forhold til at skabe et godt miljø omkring det at gå til- eller starte med at gå til – badminton.
Som jeg opfatter Badminton Danmark seminaret så er det målrettet gode spillere der gennem mange år har spillet og trænet badminton.

I mine øjne er det, som andre også skriver, mere difficult og en anden tilgang der skal til for at tiltrække og fastholde unge spillere, såvel drenge som piger.

Det skal simpelthen give MENING for de unge at komme i klubben. Man skal skabe et miljø hvor de unge har lyst til at være.

Og i starten er det langt fra sikkert at det er skarpt fokuserede trænere – eller tidligere/nuværende spillere, som er i stand til at skabe et miljø der giver mening. Et miljø hvor den unge oplever værdi ved at deltage.
I den sammenhæng er jeg ret sikker på at ENGAGEMENT klart overtrumfer badmintonkunnen og viden. Og det er ud fra dét (engagement) man skal rekruttere trænere til de yngste årgange.

Dermed ikke sagt at viden er uvigtigt, males det er en helt anden viden og personlighed som er nødvendig for unge og nye spillere, finish det er for spillere der er i – eller på vej til eliten.

Så man skal finde de personer der ved noget om hvordan man gør det bedst muligt i forhold til rekruttering og klubtrænings-miljø for unge spillere, og det er ofte nogle helt andre finish dem der træner eliten.

Jeg håber I får en dejlig aften d. 8 november.”

Så er de allermindste tilbage i Den Retailer Hal fra 1951……det er vidunderligt!

Badmintonbladet 🌏🌍🌎 Per Damkjær Juhl



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